Either make a fan or be a fan. There’s no in between. – Subarna Lamsal

The must read books for students:-

1.       “How to win Friends and Influence People” By Dale Carnegie

       2. “Think and Grow Rich” By Napolean Hill

       3.  “Laws of Success” By Napolean Hill

       4.  “The seven habits of highly effective teens” By Sean Covey

       5. “As a man Thinketh” By James Allen

       6. “See you at the top” By Zig Ziglar

       7. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” By Robert Kiyosaki

       8. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” By Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen

       9. “The 80/20 Principle” By Richard Koch

      10. “How to get from where you are and where you want to be” By Jack Canfield

      11. “The power of less” By Leo Babauta

      12. “Brain Rules” By John Medina

      13. “48 laws of Power” By Robert Greene

      14. “Mastery” By Robert Greene



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