What happens after we die and what is our purpose?

What happens after our death and what is our purpose?

          “Time flees fast that we expect. One who does the right thing in right time gets the privilege to be someone that the destiny wants to give. If you don’t want to be serious and responsible at the right time, just forget about it.”

                                                                                                                                     -Subarna Lamsal

Date: 11th July, 2012

Time: 1:33:03 pm

The blood pressure drastically lowered, blood sugar level went ups and downs with no consistency and the brain was deceased with no sign of recovery. The only thing that kept him alive was his heart. “I don’t think he can survive much longer”, the doctor said to his fellows after a 12- hour long operation in Mayo Clinic. Ben Clarkson, a 21 year old guy from typical Hindu family, had been a victim of car accident on his way to office near Nevada and now he was lying in the operation bed counting his last minutes. With hours of struggle, doctors could not recover him and he was proven to be clinically dead. Tears had already begun to fall from his relatives as they heard the information that they were not expected to hear. His mother fainted, father went crying and others were busy comforting them. Since, his heart was functioning, he was transferred to coma. Now, the real life begins………..

Date: 12th July, 2012

Time: Eternity

The dark room is filled in silence. Inside the room, there are hundreds of people lying on the white sheet of bed. Guards would come, check their numbers and tags tied and would go away locking the door. Suddenly Ben Clarkson wakes up.” He looks himself and finds his changed appearance. Bright and white sparkles glows from his body and he absorbs complete ecstasy within himself.  “Wow! Feels like I am in heaven right now! What a soothing feeling”. Suddenly his happiness turns into creepy nightmare when he sees his own body lying on the bed. He realizes that his death had already taken place and that whom he considered himself was his soul being detached. He visualizes his whole life as a reel in a very short span of time frame. Suddenly a cosmic force attracts him upwards and he goes up and up above the clouds, above the earth and ultimately reaches the new world ( the world full of joy, pleasure and romance) which is rare on earth. There no one would speak, the communication was through feelings and exposures. Trees, birds, grasses and air would flow love around the environment and no people were in bad mood. He walks towards the main entrance from the big gate coated with golden color and then through a small dark tunnel until he reaches the place where he sees two tiny creatures holding a small book. “Welcome to the Heaven”, one of the creatures said to him. “You are in the first phase. Do you want to go to earth back?” The tenderness of the new world insists him to go back and he says “Of Course Not!”

                                                               Then, some myriad forces takes him to a bright place and he sees his own grandfather and grandmother who were dead fifteen years ago. “Welcome Grandson. I thought my son would come first but you came.” Ben had seen his grandmother’s face only in the collection of old photos, but here he was live and talking with her. She, then takes him to a garden where he sees potpourri of people ranging from infant to old. People were embracing each other and the freshman were describing about their death incident. He sees the calm and peace greenery environment, bright faces of people like if they are the sources of light. There was freedom of everything such as freedom of communication. While he was enjoying himself his grandmother said, “Since you helped the mankind, you have a privilege to see this heavenly environment.” Every one respects him, even he finds his rivalry loving him and they share mutual bond with each other.

                              Again some other kind of force attracts him and takes him to the dark, dark place where he sees a lava erupting from a volcanic mountain. “Welcome to the Hell” says a creature with long sharp teeth, witty and creepy hair and stinky smell coming from the body. The creature ties his legs and drags him for a long period of time. The creature pulls him for around 2 days until they reach to the place where the people similar to him gets punished. “What have I done? Why are you giving me punishment?” Ben asked to the five-headed creature who was reading a book containing the activities he did during his time on earth. “You have done a total of 20,643 bad activities, amounting to twenty thousand six hundred and forty-three punishments, which contains murdering the relative, unpaid debt loans, playing with the feelings of others, prostitution, eating the meat, drinking alcohol and many more.” He was ashamed of his guiltiness and then realizes if he had not done those bad behaviors, things would have become different. The creature pulls his hair and drags him, then throws him towards the place where he sees the people’s flesh being eaten by goat, pig, buffalo, hen, and some other animals who were consumed on earth by them. He faces all the punishments, and when he returns to the mid-way between heaven and hell, he finds himself more bright and sparkling than previous.

Date: 16th July, 2012 AD

Time: 10:13:41 am

The guard reaches the coma and finds Ben Clarkson dead. His relatives arrive and the doctor hands the deceased body to them. They take their body to home. “Ben was a very good person, always helping others in difficulties”, one of his alive foe said. Those person who were in accusation of not paying the borrowed money from him were happy. Among his 2,732 Facebook friends, only 4 friends came on his death ritual. There were some posts like “May the soul of Ben rest peace in Heaven”  “RIP” which were done by a few friends knowingly. Some were to show the due respect for the soul and some were to show the formality. After the death ritual, his physical body was burned and the remnants of the ashes were poured into the holy river. This way, his physical existence came to an end with some sad faces and some happy faces.

Date: 12th July, 2012AD

Time: Eternity

Ben sees his own ritual on 16th July at Earth. He finds some of people whom he encountered in earth as bad were actually good ones and vice versa. He realizes his stupidity he did on earth by not identifying his true purpose and mankind and vows himself to never do such activity again once he gets a new life to earth. Then, a cosmic force drags him to a place where he finds a person like God. The God like creature says, “Now your time on heaven and hell is over. You need to go to earth as a new creature.” Since he becomes complete pure after getting punishments and enjoying heaven, the god uses his magical powers and sends him back to earth. Before sending back, the god turns him into the small creature soul from the power of God. He cries and moans to the God not to send him back to earth since he was prone to joyous and freedom environment.

Date: 20th March, 5132 AD

Time: 11:41:32 am

After several vomiting and stomach ache, Aditi Mittal has been admitted to Ratan Hospital in Guwahati, India. She is ready to deliver the newborn child in few hours. Her husband Ramesh Mittal is eagerly waiting to see his son. After the delivery, the presence of new child in this world makes everyone happy.

But the baby cries because the pain of leaving the freedom environment still exists in him. As he grows by, he gets influenced by the society, does some good habits, some bad habits, learn, appeal, realize, believe, adore, love and ultimately die.

  Meaning: This life cycle is continued until one reaches about eighty four lakh species one-by-one. Then he reaches in the “World of Permanent Deceased” where his soul is disappeared with no any marks at all. This is the life cycle of all the world creatures and we are facing the same.

Essence: We (human being) are blessed species on the earth. However by the influence of societies, and self-created temporary environment we forget our ultimate goal of helping the mankind, maintaining the harmony with each other and go on to do that makes other unhappy. Because of this, we get to spend very less time on heaven and spend a lot of fraction of time on hell. We build artificial egos, attitudes that are of no importance. We build a lot of friends and rivalries without realizing that only few of them are of real importance. We hide our feelings, develop the sense of competition in every field that only leave us exasperated. We feel ashamed to help a poor person but be happy to capture his photos and sell them. Only few among the few become a true person and he is the one who really “RESTS IN PEACE (RIP)”, else, everyone sees the face of unprecedented punishments. By the way, Did I really write 1600 words? Amazing? I think I have added one plus point for heaven. Thank you for reading my story. Did you feel something change in yourself? This time we are human being, next time we don’t know whom we will become. (Dog, Cat, Lizard?) Any idea?

                                                                                                                       Story by- Subarna Lamsal

                                                                                                                               Malpi Institute



  1. I respect your opinion.but perhaps its just a biased opinion about humanity and its age.its beyond human perception.humans cannot ever get to even a certain degree of that extent of kindness.Every wise men,old men and everyone else know the old age should burn and rave at the end of the day.So there is a poem written "do not go gentle into that good night".

    1. Basically, after death concerns are subtle so they are made in the form of just a story.( A fun way to take people's mind into a new world and then show them both good and bad aspects) in an entertaining way.

    2. No i dont only mean the uncertainity aftermath of death but the human kindness you are talking about.can humanity witness such unselfish and benevolent society and people?

  2. A lot of grammatical mistakes and what is that.. in 12th July , seeing ritual being done of 16th July. . :D and so much rubbish things about after death experience having no proof at all.. !! Though message you are trying to send is good.. BT i assume you might also not be able to follow it in your life.. !!

    1. First of all, this is just a story and a story has personal beliefs and faiths. Second of all, Near Death Experience is not rubbish. Every year around 20 thousand people experience it. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkhEs8qajlQ). Watch this video. There are tons of other videos on Youtube. Third of all, Helping the people does not require years of trainings to maintain the track to follow. As long as I do good(whether it be small or big) to others with pure heart, I am on path. In the end, what you did for other matters. I don't know whether I follow it in my life or not, but one thing is for sure that whatever I do, I don't try to bedevil others. Fourth of all, mistakes are part of us and I have rectified my mistakes to certain extent. Last of all, I repeat that( It is a story), however for your ease, Ben died on 12th July so his time dilation stopped there and his soul will exist on same day forever till he. However, because of cosmic power he can see all time dimensions(past, present, future) and that's what happened in the story. Thankyou sunu.....

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Be cool bro... :D need'nt be so diplomatic... your all and all made me freakingly laugh out a lot... :D :D

    4. OMG!! What happened to your sentence structure? Did the lion eat it? Anyway what is the reason behind deleting the comment "Wc bro Wc. .. now satisfied.... :) :)"?


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