
Decoding the main purpose of human birth

                                      This is the question which has around 8 billion answers. Some people claim life is about finding our passion and working hard. Some people say life is all about traveling, having a well-paid job, and making a meaningful impact on self and society. Others say that the main purpose of life is to help others. But are all these our real purpose? Were we born for these stuffs? Absolutely no. These can be our responsibilities, but not our real purpose. I want you to reach the moment when you had just taken birth from your mother’s womb. It was very painful for you right? Well, how can I know whether I was in pain or not as I was unconscious and unaware of my surrounding? Dear friend, with an extremely soft and delicate body, it’s really the most difficult job to get out of mother’s womb. As soon as you were born, you started crying to relieve the pain of birth and get happiness. Did anyone teach you to seek happiness right after you were born?

How to get an "A" on General Paper by A graded student.

What is General Paper? And how to get good grades on it? I gave my General Paper examination on Oct/Nov 2016 series and received a grade of “a” and that is the maximum grade one can get. Since, it is one of the versatile subjects and the whole checking mechanisms depend upon the professors, it is of no certain that one receives the good grade, however, one can boost their essays in potpourri of ways. In this blog, I will be telling you the tips and formulas that I applied in my examination and received a successful grade. Those awaiting candidates can use these techniques to ace the examination. General Paper (GP) is an academic subject as a part of A Levels course offered by University of Cambridge. It is divided into two sections GP (8001) and GP (8004) where a student need to choose any one.   It encourages learners to develop a maturity of critical thought and argument, and a mastery of expression in the English language. Students will be subjected to different areas of study
         Either make a fan or be a fan. There’s no in between. – Subarna Lamsal The must read books for students:- 1.        “How to win Friends and Influence People” By Dale Carnegie        2. “Think and Grow Rich” By Napolean Hill        3.   “Laws of Success” By Napolean Hill        4.   “The seven habits of highly effective teens” By Sean Covey        5. “As a man Thinketh” By James Allen        6. “See you at the top” By Zig Ziglar         7. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” By Robert Kiyosaki         8. “Chicken Soup for the Soul” By Jack Canfield and Mark Hansen        9. “The 80/20 Principle” By Richard Koch       10. “How to get from where you are and where you want to be” By Jack Canfield       11. “The power of less” By Leo Babauta       12. “Brain Rules” By John Medina       13. “48 laws of Power” By Robert Greene       14. “Mastery” By Robert Greene                                                         

What happens after we die and what is our purpose?

What happens after our death and what is our purpose?           “Time flees fast that we expect. One who does the right thing in right time gets the privilege to be someone that the destiny wants to give. If you don’t want to be serious and responsible at the right time, just forget about it.”                                                                                                                                       -Subarna Lamsal Date: 11 th July, 2012 Time: 1:33:03 pm The blood pressure drastically lowered, blood sugar level went ups and downs with no consistency and the brain was deceased with no sign of recovery. The only thing that kept him alive was his heart. “I don’t think he can survive much longer”, the doctor said to his fellows after a 12- hour long operation in Mayo Clinic. Ben Clarkson, a 21 year old guy from typical Hindu family, had been a victim of car accident on his way to office near Nevada and now he was lying in the operation bed counti